The Lake Tahoe Airport is hosting the 24th
annual Lake in the Sky Air Show on Saturday,
August 24, 2013.
The Air Show is historically one of
the largest annual events for visitors to
South Lake Tahoe and is enjoyed by over
10,000 people each year.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for
your business or organization to support the
Lake in the Sky Air Show while providing
exposure for your business to thousands of
Air Show visitors. In addition to the below
monetary considerations, you may be able to
donate your product in consideration for
sponsorship.Please email or call using the
information below.
Bronze Level: $50
Company name listed on Schedule of Events.
Silver Level: $100
Bronze Level plus: Company name and logo on Lake in the Sky Air Show website
and company-provided banner displayed at Air Show entrance.
Gold Level: $250
Silver Level Plus: a booth space at the Air Show.
Platinum Level: $1000
Gold Level Plus: your logo and
advertising space on each on-line ticket
Bring you banner to either the Airport Admin
office or the City Receptionist at the
Airport terminal no later than August 15th.
Provide an electronic copy of your logo for
publication and your payment as soon as
Call the Air Show line at (530)
208-9901 and leave a message if you have a
question, we will return your call
Make checks payable to the City of South
Lake Tahoe, 1901 Airport Road, Suite 100,
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150.
Visit our website at
LakeInTheSkyAirShow.com or
www.facebook.com/LakeInTheSky Airshow.
Sponsorship Committee
Lake in the Sky Air Show
[email protected] Web: